185. US/ Canada trip – Laci’s testimony in English

Favourite song

Laci Daróczi-Csuhai

Hungarian National Missionary

Prayinng together with international team

Director, CHE/MEK Foundation

1.  My life before I came to know Christ:
I was born in 1985. I’m the oldest child in my family. I have two sisters and three brothers. From 1990 I attended the Hatvan Reformed Church with my family.  So, I had the chance from my childhood to hear the Word of God. I was willing to go to church with my parents until I was 16 years old. I heard the teachings, but they had not touched my heart.

Then in high school I didn’t care anything about God.  This thinking led my life on a downward spiral. I started to smoke, try drugs, alcohol, partying. This curve ended, finially when I was 21. I experienced disappointments, conflicts with my parents, and with others. I was a mess. I lived fast, but God let it happen that way…

2.  How I came to know Christ
…I’m so thankful that I could tell now how I found Jesus. My best friend invited me back to church, where an Alpha Course had started at that time. Week by week I heard about the glory of God and His voice.

I decided to follow Jesus. Yes, I accepted the „offer from God” for my life. I knew that I’m a sinner and the only way for grace and life is  through Jesus Christ.

3.  My life now that I know Christ 

After this decision I could start serving in the church as the sound manager, and spent a year of praying for God to work in our church’s youth.  In 2008, our Youth group formed by the grace of God.

I got a flame, unquenchable fire, so I need to serve the Lord with my whole life. God placed many talents and abilities in me. From the age of 11, I had to work with my dad in our family business, whether I wanted to or not. But I gained much knowledge and skills through that experience.  Engineering, economic ability, business, farming and other areas. And the Lord showed me that I even have spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ.

4.  My call to His service. 

I met with the strategy of CHE and it was like something I never knew before. The whole person of our being is important in this ministry. It’s not a ministry of giving aid, but provides guidance to start a biblical process of development in lasting, sustinable, independent community building.

As we see Jesus’ life, He didn’t just come to preach, but He healed, singly fed thousands miraculously, did many miracles, and made disciples who would continue to share what they saw, and reach everyone with His Gospel. We can not do miracles, but we serve a God Who can, and we would like to be His tools doing so.  

I feel my responsibility is to work for the cause of the Kingdom in Hungary. Everybody has a right to know the Good News which is the truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In carrying out my responsibility, I like to see pratical solutions to everyday questions. I know I get to be friends with Gypsies quickly, and that helps this ministry and outreach to grow. I have a chance to hear their questions and help them begin to find answers.

The goals of CHE/MEK involve helping to bring healing to our spiritual lives and also our physical lives. Knowing that helped in my decision to be full-time staff with the MEK Foundation.

I am grateful for my wife, Eszter, with whom we can do this ministry together. Using our talents in different areas, we help each other. This privilege reinforces the fact that God is good all the time. We are truly grateful for our boys: Simeon (4,5) and Jonatán (2).

One of my favourite verses. This one touched me, when I got saved:

Luke 10:2-3

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolf.”
